onsdag 12. januar 2011

Mission trip to Piura

I joined 4-5 days mission trip with my friend and his church to Piura, north in Peru. Very good and special trip for me. I got also opportunity to preach little bit, one time in the bus, one time to the youth of young students and for the people I joined with. I had a good time and got lot of new friends.
As a missionary you have to be thankful for where ever you gonna sleep and take a shower. I slept on this bed with 2 others, took shower with putting water over me with a cup and did my "short" and "long call" on this toilet among the chickens, turkeys and their poohs. During the night I saw some mice running here and there. A good experience, felt I was a typical missionary in Africa, but I am glad and thankful I live and have better standard in Norway. I am also glad that I stopped to bike, if not I wouldn´t get the opportunity to experience this.

1 kommentar:

  1. Morsomt å lese bloggene dine kim. Jeg syns du er en tøffing oppi det hele. Det må være rart å oppleve det du gjør, når du vet at du har et helt annet liv som venter deg når du kommer tilbake til Norge. Jeg blir inspirert av det du gjør!
    Må Gud fortsette å være med deg og verne om deg!
