fredag 12. november 2010

Mom! what shall we have for dinner today?

In El Salvador and Honduras I have seen many kids holding this kind of ugly reptile in the tale. And also other different types.
Kids like to catch them and then sell them along the road. I think it is a delicacy in this area.
I would be really surprised to see a norwegian housewife kill and prepare this in a norwegian kitchen for dinner.
I didn´t take any picture of the kids when they are holding this, the reason is I have been so tired to stop and get all the attention, and to be honest one time the kids scared me when they almost throw a 2 meter long reptile on me. I think they maybe thought I would hold it. And the answer is absolutely not.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Hello Kim. I'm deeply impressed to see that you're already in Nicaragua and do such a milage a day, wow! You didn't took the bus? Hope you're doing well. Juere and I are now in Belice where we will stay 10 days or so to do holiday from the vacations! All the best, Juere and Stefan

  2. Hello my swiss army knifes!

    So cool and nice to hear from you.

    I didn´t take bus.
    Bus is just for sissy boys, hahaha!

    My plan was to bike fast as possible through these countries because of several reasons like safety and not so much to see.

    Are you taking the bus to Costa Rica? When is your plan to be in Costa Rica?

    My plan is to be latest in Panama around 15th december and then make a new decision to continue in South America. I am still motivated, but lost little bit of it, the last days. Probably because I am so tired and hungry right now.

    Keep in touch!
    Enjoy your vacations.

    Greet so much to Juere!

    Hasta luego!


  3. Yeah dude! Du er helt rå!! Drit bra at du har syklet så langt på så kort tid. Meget imponerende :D Det er digg å se på bildene dine mens jeg sitter i kalde og kjedelige Norge. Your rock man!

    Jeg gleder meg til vår neste sykkeltur sammen. Gjennom Kina eller?

    Stay blessed bro.
    - Magnus

  4. Kim, kjære Kim!!!
    Du er virkelig savnet!! Håper motivasjoen er stigende! Du imponerer med syklingen!
    Om du skulle bryte, vet du hvor veien går:) Gleder meg til å se deg igjen!
    GO GO!!

  5. hei søte små!

    digg å høre at dere forsatt lever i kalde i norge.
    kulden frister ikke, men maten og fasilitetene (standarden) kunne jeg godt tenkt meg. litt stusselig å sitter på dette hotell rommet som faktisk kaller seg hotell. nesten like dårlig som den vi hadde i Beijing. håper du husker den.

    steike Hong Kong frister. et par uker med mye digg mat og shopping frister.
    om det ikke blir nå så blir det tur på oss seinere.
    jepp! er klar ny sykkeltur gjennom Kina. hadde vært kult.

    pass på dere selv.
    tenker på dere.

    peace,love, rock and roll!

